February 26, 2011

Rocking on the Glider & Six Months Old

January 20, 2011

Here is Jack rocking Addy on the glider. Adelynn loves it when her brother Jack gives her attention and especially when he plays with her and gives her love. Also, Addy is six months old today and three days prior to her seven month old birthday she got her first tooth. Addy takes two naps a day and still sleep ten to twelve hours at night. Addy is super bubbly and smiley. She is a super happy child. I would have to say that she has been my easiest baby ever. She doesn't like eating much baby food she would rather eat what I eat. Taking medicines is not her thing and she spits everything out when we give it to her. She loves drinking out of sippy cups and regular cups. She is very observative. She loves putting her right foot into her mouth. She is very flexible. She is just what I needed. I thank heavenly father each day for sending her to me and us.

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