October 9, 2011


October 9, 2011

Well lets just say that my last post was months ago. Anyways, it started out with Adelynn being very fussy and super needy meaning that she is teething right now and is simply feeling very miserable. We got ready for Church that was a lot of work, Adelynn didn't want to get dressed and Jack didn't want a bath. Then I couldn't get my outfit together, eventually i just ended up wearing something else. Then Jefferson started to get mad and frustrated with me because he couldn't find our check book and said that I make too many messes with my clothes and that I never put anything away. Jefferson is a OCD clean freak. So going to church was hard because he and I kept arguing about the stupid check book and why we couldn't find it and all of my messes and he patience running out on me. Then I church our children could not behave properly and so therefore, we just ended up in the hall way with both until nursery and sunday school. According to Jack's nursery leaders sister nancy brown and sister hulett Jack was great in nursery and did so well! RS was great we learned about family history. Hence why I am writing on my blog as my journal. Then we went home and of course Jefferson and I aren't really on speaking terms. After Jefferson puts Jack to sleep for a cap nap he decides to take off and go to my parents to find food because obviously in Jeff and norma's house there really isn't anything to eat unless you cook it. He leaves me and the kids for two hours and at this point I am getting very angry because Adelynn just being super whiney and doesn't know what she wants and won't really eat anything and I have zero patience for whiney children and I have zero patience for pretty much little children. I really don't enjoy toddler and baby stages. It hasn't been my favorite. Anyways, so I call Jefferson I tell him to get home fast because Adelynn is seriously driving me crazy then Jack wakes up crying uncontrolably and I can't seem to make him calm. I feel like I have the two whiniest and needy children in the world. Finally, Jefferson gets home and he trades with me since he got away for two hours. I go to sleep and then I take the kids to my mom where Jack decided that he wanted to spend the night because meme's house is sooooo much better then home and he always gets his way there. Adelynn and I came back to Norma and Jeff's after I took care of Lola's dogs and house. Played games and went to sleep. This is what happened to us today.

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