October 13, 2011


October 13, 2011

Woke up late this morning around eight oclock because Jefferson and I didn't go to bed until one oclock in the morning just because we were playing games on the computer and poor Adelynn has been in her crib just sitting there quietly but probably was crying and is probably starving! Got her food and played a bit before I went to do an emergency at work! I just love driving 45 mins to and from work its so awesome! Not really, did my emergency and helped kelly try to fix the fax machine but no success. Drove to my mom's got Jack and we went to McDonalds, Lucy and Kara joined us there for a couple of hours, surprisingly Lucy and Jack played well together today then we left McDonalds and I dropped Jack off at my mom's because he didn't want to come to Norma and Jeff's. Came home and Jefferson looked terrible and he said that Addy was a trip and such a handful and he thinks she is teething. Which of course she was teething because while Jefferson went to play Disc Golf she was very needy with me and very whiney. It drove me absolutely crazy. She can a sweet little angel at times and then the next be a total monster.

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